[보고서] Climate Change Science Compendium 2009녹색교육 리소스/자료목록 2010. 7. 23. 16:10
기후변화 과학 개론 2009
이 보고서는 IPCC의 제 4차 보고서 이후 지난 삼년간 학술지와 연구소에서 발표한 400개의 주요한 과학적 이해를 모아서 설명한 것이다.
이 개론은 동의서나 어떤 다른 과정에 대한 업데이트는 아니다. 다만 여기에는 과학적인 발견, 해석, 아이디어, 결론을 모았을 뿐이다.
Peter Gilruth, Director Division of Early Warning and Assessment
Chapter 1: Earth Systems Chapter 2: Earth's Ice Chapter 3: Earth's Oceans Chapter 4: Earth's Ecosystems Chapter 5: Systems Management
[영문 원어 설명]
Climate Change Science Compendium 2009The Climate Change Science Compendium is a review of some 400 major scientific contributions to our understanding of Earth Systems and climate that have been released through peer-reviewed literature or from research institutions over the last three years, since the close of research for consideration by the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report.The Compendium is not a consensus document or an update of any other process. Instead, it is a presentation of some exciting scientific findings, interpretations, ideas, and conclusions that have emerged among scientists.
Focusing on work that brings new insights to aspects of Earth System Science at various scales, it discusses findings from the International Polar Year and from new technologies that enhance our abilities to see the Earth’s Systems in new ways. Evidence of unexpected rates of change in Arctic sea ice extent, ocean acidification, and species loss emphasizes the urgency needed to develop management strategies for addressing climate change.
An up-dated version of the Climate Change Science Compendium 2009 was uploaded to the Internet on 21 October 2009. It follows feed-back from researchers, experts and members of the public following the launch last month. UNEP welcomes further constructive comments so that the report evolves as a living document containing the latest peer-reviewed science.
Peter Gilruth, Director Division of Early Warning and Assessment'녹색교육 리소스 > 자료목록' 카테고리의 다른 글
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