Learning about Sustainability and Sustainable Strategies can be fun. We have developed an engaging game that allows you to build upon your existing business skills and knowledge within a sustainability framework. Greenomics the Game allows you to:
- Experience how global trends will impact your business in the short and long term
- Explain how sustainability decisions can negatively / positively impact your business
- Describe how working as a team positively impacts your business
By playing “Greenomics the Game” you will learn some very important messages about sustainability and how it can impact your business. We can tailor the instructional plan for this game specifically for you.
Greenomics The Game is an exciting board game where 2 to 5 players fight to Build Sustainable Global Corporate Empires. Set in a world threatened by climate change, growing human population and severe pollution, players must compete for dwindling resources amidst changing social demands.
We formed a virtual team to design and build the game. This included our own sustainability consultants, graphic artists, printers, and researchers. We had fun, learned a lot, and achieved most of our goals. To make the game we had to live by our own principles of sustainability. We had to walk the talk.
Greenomics the Game - Origins
Greenomics the Game started as an educational tool to augment the Greenomics Corporation workshops on Sustainability. After repeated play it evolved into an entertaining board game. Based on player responses we decided to put the game into production so others could enjoy it at home and to enable educators to use it to make their courses and programs about sustainability more engaging.
Our Principles
- Use renewable resources
- Use non-toxic and biodegradable materials
- Enhance the Environment
- Promote positive human conditions
Where we succeeded
- We designed the box and game board so they would not require glue
- We used post consumer recycled FSC certified paper
- We used less material than manufacturers suggested to us through innovative design
- We eliminated the use of shrink wrap
- We used water and Soya based coatings and inks
- We produced the game locally
- We hired people from the Canadian Mental Health Association’s Pathway’s Program, which strives to get people with mental health issues back into the workforce, to assemble components of the game
Where we need alternatives
- The dice are plastic and are not locally sourced
- Upgrade rings are silicon, bought from a local distributor but manufactured outside of the country
- Industry markers, though made from recycled woodfill material, were sourced from non local, U.S.A. based game parts suppliers
- We are using a plastic bag to hold the loose pieces together in the game. So far, alternatives to this have been cost prohibitive in view of the price point that consumers would most likely be willing to pay
While recognizing the realities of the global economy and the structure of the gaming industry, we are not daunted. As we encourage others to continually seek out new sources of supply and better alternatives to current choices, we too will address these final issues.
We believe you can help. Please share your ideas for alternatives – preference given to those closest to our home in Vancouver, Canada.
Erich Schwartz, President