이영식 단장 Asia in 2060 에서 녹색성장 교육 현황 발표녹색 교육 연구 센터 소개/GERC 소식 2010. 11. 3. 22:56Asia in 2060
International Conference Will Focus on Asia's Alternative Futures
TAIPEI, TAIWAN, 2 November 2010 -- An international conference entitled "Global Transitions and Asia 2060: Climate, Political-Economy, and Identity" will convene 3-5 November 2010 at Tamkang University, Taiwan. The objective of the conference is to explore the future of Asia given current conditions on the planet, expressed in three sub-themes: (1) Asia at the carbon crossroads, (2) Asia and new models of economy and governance -- toward an Asian Union, and (3) Asian identity in transition, transformation.
Conference participants, who will engage in face-to-face discussions on these themes, include Ashish Kothari, Founder-Member, Kalpavriksh, India; Chunmiao Zheng, Chair Professor of Water Resources and Director of the Center for Water Research, Peking University, China; Dada Shambhushivananda, Vice Chancellor, Gurukul University, India; Dato Dzulkifli, Vice Chancellor, University Sains Penang, Malaysia; Julie Matthews, Professor, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia; K.V. Kesavan, Professor, Distinguished Fellow, Observer Research Foundation, India; Major General Muniruzzaman, President, Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies, Bangladesh; Ravinder Sidhu, Post-doctoral Fellow at the School of Education, University of Queensland, Australia; Shin-Eui Park, Professor, Department of Arts & Cultural Management of The Graduate School of Business Administration, Kyung Hee University, Korea; Sreeram Chaulia, Associate Professor and Executive Director, Centre for Global Governance and Policy, OP Jindal Global University, India; Talal Al-Balushi, Director of Research Administration, The Research Council, Oman; Vahid V. Motlagh, Founder and Editor, Vahid Think Tank, Iran; Woo Sung Huh, Professor, Department of Philosophy, Kyung Hee University, Korea; and Young Sik Lee, Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry, Kyung Hee University, Korea.
Though participation in the workshop is by invitation only, an Executive Summary of the findings of the workshop will be published and available for downloading from the sponsors' websites soon after the event. Printed copies will also be available.
The sponsors of the conference are Tamkang University, Taipei; Foundation For the Future, USA; and Kyung Hee University, Seoul. Founded in 1950, Tamkang is a university of ideals, vision, and creativity. It sees the pursuit of excellence and ongoing innovation as its main goals in sustainable management. Foundation For the Future was established in 1996 in Bellevue, Washington USA with a mission to increase and diffuse knowledge concerning the long-term future of humanity, with a specific emphasis on the thousand-year horizon. Kyung Hee University, founded in 1949, pursues its institutional credo empowering "knowledge and peace for human civilization for all." With such ideals, Kyung Hee has engaged in various academic practices in social and global affairs.
Jian-Bang Deng
Sohail Inayatullah
s.inayatullah@qut.edu.au'녹색 교육 연구 센터 소개 > GERC 소식' 카테고리의 다른 글
이영식 단장 ASIA 2060 발표내용 요약 (0) 2010.12.13