이영식 단장 ASIA 2060 발표내용 요약녹색 교육 연구 센터 소개/GERC 소식 2010. 12. 13. 04:44
Green Growth Education in Korea
Dr. Young Sik Lee, from Korea, spoke on the theme “Green Growth in Asia,” noting that Asia composes 40 percent of the area of the world and 60 percent of the global population, but as many as 670 million individuals are living on US$1/day. That means that economic growth is a must for Asian countries, but economic growth that follows conventional norms of other countries will only consume more energy and induce more environmental problems. “We cannot follow the economic growth patterns of the last 50 to 100 years,” said Dr. Lee, because doing so may destroy the entire ecological system. The solution is Green Growth, which emphasizes both economic growth and environmental sustainability.
Korea has made Green Growth Education (GGE) a top agenda. “Last year the South Korean government supported our institute, the Green Education Resource Center, in developing new educational materials for the Green Growth concept at the school and in civil sectors for training and education,” he said. Hands-on Green Growth projects are emphasized in all areas of school activity. The Green Education Resource Center is located on the Kyung Hee University campus. Textbook and resource books have been published, and teachers were trained this past summer. It is anticipated that resources will be translated into other languages and distributed worldwide. A long-term roadmap, beyond the next few years, is still to be formulated.
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이영식 단장 Asia in 2060 에서 녹색성장 교육 현황 발표 (0) 2010.11.03